
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


For teams passing in company data to Canny, your customers can now access a new "My Teams" filter. This shows all feedback that the viewer's teammates have posted or voted on.
This helps when you have few main points of contact across many people on an account. They can now be aware of what their colleagues have requested.
This feature is available for teams on all Canny plans!
You can now use custom field values as conditions in Canny Automation! For example:
  1. When "Product Area" custom field is "Dashboard" or "Reporting", tag "Analytics"
  2. When "Urgency" custom field is "High", change status to "Under Review"
  3. When "Platform" is "iOS" or "Android", tag "Mobile"
Head to your automation settings to configure automations in Canny.
This feature is available for teams on Canny Growth and above.
Two new filtering options are now available in the Feedback view! Learn more
Filter posts by company
Instead of searching for companies via the Users tab, you can now do it directly from the Feedback view.
For example:
  • Product managers can look up VIP customers to understand key use cases and needs
  • Customer success managers can pull up a specific account during renewal conversations to see all of their requests that are complete
Filter posts by account owner
This is an easy way to get an overview of what a specified account owner’s accounts are interested in.
For example:
  • Salespeople can report on what the most common asks are from their prospects
  • Customer success managers can check in on the status of requests from their accounts
The account owner field must have a value for this to work. Learn more about company fields
These filters are available for teams on any plan! Learn more



Permissions updates

We've made a couple improvements to admin permissions in Canny.
New permission: View user details
The Users tab in Canny contains personally identifiable information (PII) like email addresses. This permission allows you to specify which admins should have access to that information.
Permission update: "Manage teammates" is now free
Some teams have IT people who are responsible for managing admins in Canny. They do not use any Canny functionality. Therefore, we have made the "Manage teammates" permission free so these admins don't count as a paid seat.
Admin roles are available on Canny Growth and above.




Review sources on Autopilot

Reviews platforms are where buyers can leave reviews and ratings on products. Along with positive feedback, reviews often contain feature requests that slip by unnoticed. Let Canny Autopilot make sure the feature requests all captured effortlessly.
Autopilot feedback discovery now supports capturing feedback from
ten new sources
! This includes: G2, Capterra, App Store, Google Play, Trustpilot, Trustradius, Product Hunt, Salesforce AppExchange, WordPress, and Shopify.
How it works
  1. Go to your Autopilot settings
  2. Under each source you want to pull feedback from, fill in the necessary fields, and toggle the source on. autopilot source
That’s it! As long as your team has credits, you’ll start seeing detected feedback in your Autopilot tab.
Review sources are available for teams on all plans! Note: they do not count towards the integration limit for teams on the Free and Starter plans.




Slack DMs for account owners

Calling customer success managers, account managers, account executives—anyone who is responsible for important customers. Canny can now notify you in Slack when your accounts give feedback. This is great to help stay on top of growing customer needs.
To set this up
  1. Send Canny account owner emails data via the SDK or integrations like Salesforce or HubSpot
  2. Go to your company fields settings to configure the field mapping
  1. In your Slack integration settings, make sure the "Direct Message Notifications" setting is on.
This feature is available for all plans!
We've just launched our referral program so you can get paid for sharing Canny with your network! Learn more
To get started, head to your referral settings to get your unique link. You'll be compensated for every referral that subscribes to a Canny paid plan.
The Canny referral program is available to anyone! Learn more about the program in this help doc. Check out the terms and conditions here.
Our automation feature enables you to build workflows based on specified conditions. Let Canny handle it so you don't have to.
Head to your team's Automation settings to create a new rule.
Configure your conditions and then new posts will be categorized accordingly.
This feature is available for teams on Canny Growth and above.
Here by popular demand, your users can now subscribe to email notifications for new changelog entries. All you need to do is head to your changelog privacy settings and turn on "Email subscriptions".
Once that's on, you'll see a new "Subscribe" option on your changelog.
For each entry, you can decide whether email notifications will send when it is published.
Learn more about this feature here.
Changelog notifications are available for teams on the Canny Starter plan and above.
We're super excited to share Autopilot with you!
Autopilot refers to Canny's suite of AI-powered features. You may have seen our releases for Smart Replies and Comment Summaries. Today, we're adding feedback discovery to the mix!
We all know tracking customer feedback is important. However, that doesn't need to be done manually. Autopilot automatically detects feedback in customer conversations so you can stay focused on uncovering insights.
How feedback discovery works
Head to your Autopilot settings to enable sources you want to extract feedback from.
Have feedback coming in from different sources? Send text in via our API endpoint and Canny will detect feedback there as well.
How credits work
Every Canny plan has a number of free credits each month. If you run out of credits and want to continue processing customer conversations for feedback, you'll need to buy credits. Head to your new Autopilot billing settings to set up your credit limit.
Thank you to everyone who shared feedback while Autopilot was in beta 💛 We're looking forward to even more feedback moving forward!
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