Canny AI
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Embedding Canny View in Microsoft Teams
Essential Anteater
It would be very useful to have the functionality to embed a Canny view directly in a Microsoft Teams channel out of the box. This would streamline the process and make it easier for end-users to access Canny within Teams without needing to build a custom app.
Overseas Gull
We've just released the first version of our Microsoft Teams integration. This allows you to subscribe to specific boards and receive Teams channel notifications for events like new posts, comments, or vote milestones.
Check out our guide here to get started:
In the future we'll be evaluating other ways to bring Canny functionality into Microsoft Teams.
Heavy Otter
Please add me to the list to notify when this is available. I'd love to beta as soon as you get there!
Overseas Gull
in progress
I've begun work on this Microsoft Teams integration.
The first version will be Canny Notifications for posts, votes, comments, etc. You'll be able to configure which types of notifications go to specific channels in Teams.
Stay tuned for more info soon!
Citrine Orangutan
Would love this feature!
Cautious Alpaca
When it comes to the Channel Tab app,
here another interesting example from the wrike app.
- When you setup the tab, you decide project - for Canny, we could decide the "Board"
2- In the leftm, wrike lists the tasks - canny could list submission
3- When selecting a task, the right-pannel give the context of the selected task
4- a "+ task" is as well available from the tab within Teams
Cautious Alpaca
Following the previous comments, in the same context, Jira app for MS Teams has some nice features as well.
the "Card" is offering 2 choices of call to action. It offers the same "view in web" option than Wrike.
But it offers in addition an alternative: to directly open a "comment" mode (#6). And, this comment can be added directly from within the MS teams.
The Jira Chat app is offering as well the option to "Create" a new idea/tasks from MS Teams. (#7)
Cautious Alpaca
Hi, I will suggest different ideas, but keep them separated, to help you keep things organized.
First feedback, leveraging the integration as a "Chat" app.
I would expect being able to install a chat app "Canny", connect my accounts.
When this would be done, i could click on a "canny" app when writing a message
then, best UX we do have using wrike x MS Teams, see screenshot ==>
#4, We could be using a search lookup for searching existing ideas in Canny.
#5 I would get the list of matching ideas, having title, status overview etc.. and I could select one to integrate the "Idea card" into the the message
When message published, the Canny Idea would generate a "Canny Idea Card", where we have the dynamic of the status of the idea (#1),
A shortcut link would allow to open directly the concerned idea into Canny (#2)
Bonus: from the idea card, it could be nice to directly being able to see in which topic/subject the idea has been published (#3)
Proper Angelfish
It would be good if Canny can be integrated as an app in Teams, especially to use it as a tab in private channels. What would be good to see:
- share and preview roadmap and changelog entries inside a private or public channel
- quickly open/share posts from/to channel chat messages
- create posts from messages inside a channel
- export data in CSV format to channel file folders (in Teams/Sharepoint)
Persimmon orange Vicuna
Hie ya,
from my usages, I would like to see below functionality -
- Each board should be linked to a team channel for a status update like the new post, status change, new votes, comments.
- User should be able to open the post from teams directly.
- Users should be able to create a new post from Team itself and add votes on behalf of customers.
- I would like to see the roadmap view on the channel as well.
in short - I am looking from the similar functionality as slack integration.
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