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Sarah Hum
Very excited about this one! Learn more about it here:
Getting set up only takes a couple minutes:

Sarah Hum
If you haven't already heard, Canny for Intercom is ready to try out! See more at:
Heliotrope purple Landfowl
How about a Messenger app that bubbles up top feature requests and links to the feedback board? We're actually considering starting to consolidate things in Intercom using their new Messenger apps (which is a pretty enlightened strategy).

Andrew Rasmussen
in progress
Intelligent Mockingbird
I'd love to be able to add Canny as an app in the Intercom marketplace - Specifically, I'd love to have an easy link from Intercom Messenger directly to our Canny feedback boards.
Yellow green Zebra
Intelligent Mockingbird: +1 on this one! would be the best solution for our team :)
Khaki Bandicoot
Intelligent Mockingbird: +1.

Sarah Hum
Khaki Bandicoot
hey Sarah. We don't even need any of the intercom data. It's just that our users are so used to opening Intercom to notify us of features.
If a 'request feature' option was just present in the (new) intercom messenger, that would be so perfect.

Sarah Hum
Agreeable Canid Blizzard blue Armadillo Khaki Bandicoot Thank you all for your thoughts! I may reach out with questions as we design the experience. Much appreciated!
Heliotrope purple Landfowl
Khaki Bandicoot: +1 on this one. just saw what userfeed is doing and something similar would be great.

Sarah Hum
Hello Intercom users! We are putting some thought into the Canny Intercom integration. We'd love to hear how you'd like it to work. Leave a comment or shoot us a message 🙏
Agreeable Canid
Sarah Hum: hey hey! Thanks for the update! a few things I've thought would be great are:
- When recommending an article to a user in the in-app chat – have the ability to recommend a Canny post (embed it in the chat with the ability for the user to vote/comment/open the board)
- When viewing a user's profile in the Intercom dashboard, be able to see their 'Canny history' too – posts posted/voted/commented
- Ability to message people who have commented/posted/voted for a specific post
Blizzard blue Armadillo
Sarah Hum: Glad to hear it! I'll echo Ana here and add a thought or two.
- When we view a user in Intercom we would like to be able to see all canny activity related to that user so we can quickly identify their requests during a support chat and/or enable our account managers to follow up.
- When a user writes in about a feature they'd like to see we would like to be able to create that feature on their behalf. For this to be most useful this would allow us to grab some portion of the conversation (even copy/paste) and create that post in Canny all without leaving Intercom.
- On the Canny side, it would be great to carry over user attributes to help identify priority of feature requests beyond vote count by including company size, type of user (trial, paying), etc.
Biological Eagle
We tend to fall behind on our canny board but reply to users on intercom daily. Would be awesome to push comments from Canny to Intercom so that we can answer on intercom.

Andrew Rasmussen
Biological Eagle: Interesting. I don't see Canny as a day-to-day support service, more of a longer term product management tool.
That being said, is this a common pattern? Do you have other services (twitter, email, etc) push to Intercom? Do you picture yourself responding to a comment on Canny via a live chat message?
Do you use our Slack integration? 🙂
Honest Beetle
Biological Eagle: I was just mentioning this idea to my team. If Canny pushes to intercom, it lets us manage the message like all our other support messages instead of checking another tool. Let’s us use the intercom workflow of having teams and assigning or snoozing messages. If the integration went further and up votes were recorded as actions in intercom, we could easily message people (for instance, a link to a private prototype)
As for Andrew’s question, this is how facebook works for us—we manage all our facebook messages through intercom and it is awesome.

Andrew Rasmussen
Honest Beetle: Thanks for chiming in, Scott! We definitely want to figure out how we can play nicely with Intercom.
I guess one difference between FB and Canny is that we aren't a messaging platform. We have posts, comments, and votes. I can kind of see how a comment thread could be replaced by a Intercom conversation. Though it'd be weird to have your conversation published publicly.
Sending up votes as events in intercom wouldn't be hard!
I've been excited about this integration for a long time. We'll get there.