Canny roadmap prioritization just got a big update! You can now include a lot more data points as impact factors.
Previously, Canny only supported manual scoring fields so, for example, you could create a field for "impact" and score it manually.
Our recent update includes adding support for fields with values that are automatically updated.
For example:
  • MRR impact
  • Opportunity revenue
  • Votes from paying customers
Anything with numeric values can be factored in (including custom fields). This is a huge benefit over spreadsheets where values are constantly going stale. With these fields, you can be more confident in the impact different features can have.
To add these new fields to your prioritization, head to your admin roadmap tab and hit the gear icon next to "score" and configure new impact factors.
This is one of several roadmap improvements to come. Stay tuned!
Roadmap prioritization is available on all Canny plans.