New features are worth celebrating. Our new feature, Changelog, is a great way for your team to officially announce product updates.
You're reading our changelog update for Changelog! We're currently running a beta so we can iron out any bugs and add highly requested features. Shoot us a message if you want to try it out.
How it works
Once you're added to the beta, you'll see a new Changelog tab
From there, you can create your first entry.
  • Link to Canny posts that you're describing in the entry
  • Add labels based on the different areas in your product
  • Format your entry using markdown and add images
When you're ready, you can publish the entry right away or schedule it for a later date.
You'll now have a single log with all your product updates. We recommend you send out emails to your customers with these updates and linking to the changelog entry.
You can also share it to your social channels on Facebook or Twitter. Keeping your customers up to date is great for engagement and bringing people back to your product.
Beta feedback
The time for feedback is now! If you feel strongly about any missing features regarding changelog, let us know. Enjoy!