User/domain based deny-list functionality
Kumquat Kingfisher
I would like Canny to have some form of a user/domain based Deny-list functionality. This would allow us to block certain users or domains from accessing our Feedback boards. It would be great if Canny had a well-defined experience to handle this authentication deny, with a message that would make sense for the user.
Created by Sarah Hum
Stephanie Alimes
Merged in a post:
Add a ban list in the admin dashboard
Clean Cod
If I ban a user on Canny, I want to be able to go back and view a list of banned users with their names and email addresses.
Presently, once you ban a user all of their information and posts disappear from the platform — this makes it difficult to share cross-platform information about abusive users with our CX and eng teams.
Nice to haves would be:
- The posts that got them banned
- The date of the ban
Sarah Hum
Thank you for posting, Clean Cod! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific user information (beyond name and email) would be helpful to include in the ban list?
- Would you find it useful to have a feature to unban users directly from the ban list?
- How would you like to see the 'posts that got them banned' presented? Should this be a part of the ban list or a separate section?
Clean Cod
Sarah Hum
- Name and email are the most helpful — I think that potentially location information could be useful as well.
- Yeah, I would definitely expect to be able to unban here as well. I think not necessarily v1 blocker since it's likely only necessary in the case of accidental bans.
- Maybe a separate section? I think it's mainly helpful info for co-admins who want to see what the cause for the ban was (and could potentially aid in corroborating behavior across Canny, Intercom, etc.) Big difference between a user who is spamming nonsense (annoying, probably not bannable for Intercom but potentially bannable for Canny) vs. one who's saying inappropriate stuff to team members (should get blocked on all platforms).
A couple ways you could do this, but at minimum it could be a field in the table with a screenshot or link to the post.
Jacques Reulet
Merged in a post:
List of banned end-users
Clean Cod
Allow users to access a list of end-users who have been banned from their Canny account.
This allows teams to coordinate bans across tools and platforms, as well as unban when necessary.