Team-wide admin notifications / inbox
under review
Andrew Rasmussen
When activity happens in Canny (comments, mentions, posts, status changes, votes/milestones), there are some actions your team should take. Notifications and the Slack/Teams integrations do a decent job of surfacing this activity, but it's not perfect.
There's a lot of value in adding a team-wide inbox. This way, you could assign certain tasks, and not duplicate effort.
Yucca Caterpillar
It would be great to have the option for some kind of prioritization of notifications. I would really like to be able to be notified more directly that someone has commented or voted for an issue that I either own or have previously commented on.
Shamrock Firefly
Jonquil Ravenand Fern Grouse already made some fantastic suggestions.
A very small UX tweak that would be helpful IMO is making "Notifications" a first-class citizen. Currently, it's stowed away in the upper-right corner and very much feels like a secondary action, when it's very much an important part of the process.
Seeing "Notifications" next to "Feedback" with a badge indicating how many "unread" posts there are would be a step in the right direction as you work on a full-fledged inbox.
Jonquil Raven
I find I often get lost in the notification list. There are so many notifications and we have several team members handling things. My current method to figure out where I should start is to just look for the last thing my colleagues have commented on or worked on and then I start on the next item. I think this is quite error prone and I worry that we are missing details as a team.
I would love to see a way for notifications to be either assigned to teammates automatically or manually. Even just being able to see that notifications have been addressed or unaddressed by anyone on the team would greatly improve things.
Sarah Hum
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jonquil Raven! Totally agree.
Objective Ptarmigan
Sarah Hum
Fern Grouse
I think of Canny notifications as a customer support channel, especially comments and sometimes new posts. Often times, customers will leave a comment or create a post for something that exists or can be done. It can be easier for them to just ask for a feature than figure out how to do something. Many feature requests are really just asks for help.
In these cases, we want to tell the customer the workaround or how to access a feature. It doesn't matter who on our internal team does it, we just want to be sure that every customer who writes something substantial that needs a response gets a response.
If I could build anything I wanted to solve this problem, here's what I'd have:
- A page that shows all the notifications and their status.
- From this page, I can quickly resolve, respond, and take common actions, without needing to open up another page and wait for Canny to load. The common actions that I'd want are: "close", "merge into existing post", "respond".
- I'd also like it if notifications can be grouped by post. Right now, I click the bell icon in canny, then see all, then click Ctrl+URL to open up dozens of notifications in different tabs. Once I get to the page, it's impossible to know which particular comment brought me there and what I need to respond to.
- It would be nice to assign a notification to a teammate but it's not a critical use case for us.
Sarah Hum
Super helpful Fern Grouse, thanks for elaborating!
Objective Ptarmigan
Fern Grouse
Sarah Hum
under review
Would love to hear any additional thoughts around Canny notifications, moderation, etc.
Some questions prompts:
- How could notifications in Canny be more helpful for you?
- Do you feel like your Canny board needs moderation? If so, how do you moderate today? What tools would help you with moderation?
Inkwell Gopher
Sarah Hum