Option to disable language localization for all users
Ginger orange Mastodon
I would like the ability to disable language translation for all users, ensuring that the Canny interface remains in English. This is important because I receive feedback from users in their native languages, which I believe is due to the interface being in their language. Having all feedback in English would streamline the process.
Created by Canny AI
Solid Aardvark
Jacques Reulet - I still think it would be essential to have an option for visitors (unregistered users) to turn this off completely (without registration..).
OTOH this might drive more users to register - but only the experienced ones that might know that advanced options are available once registert; but they might register anyway..
Ginger orange Mastodon
Awesome, thanks.
Jacques Reulet
We just launched a new toggle for you to disable language translations for your account entirely. You'll see that in the Preferences tab in Canny's general settings.
Turning that OFF will disable further language translations.
Solid Aardvark
Yes please!
It sure is a nice feature to have stuff translated - and the results are pretty good. Even activating this out of the box might be okay.
But doing this without an option to disable it is just tooo much.
Even unregistered users should be able to opt out globally instead of individually on every text block!
Its also inconsistent as the search function will not find translated words of course.
As a workaround you might change your preferred browser locale - that's whats used to trigger the auto-translate feature.
Sara Al Mouaswas
in progress