When I go to /admin, in the "Getting started" onboarding section there are many things that are not clear:
  • Invite your team: It assumes that I have a team, but I am just a single-person company. I think this step should be optional.
  • Connect an integration: This will fail if you didn't complete the previous steps. The redirection from Github will fail saying "the app is already installed". I spent quite some time figuring out how to solve this and then I realized it worked after completing the previous step and removing/re-adding the connection.
  • Collect feedback: It is not mentioned anywhere that you have to create 3 feedback posts in order to complete this step. Only after watching this video is when I realized this requirement: https://help.canny.io/en/articles/8325109-unlocking-our-free-plan
I hope onboarding becomes a more streamlined experience for new users.