Full page changelog widget
Mere Coyote
It would be great if you had a full page changelog widget rather than having to click a button to show a popover.
Xanthic Squid
Hey Sarah Hum, it's really needed. Our use case - new session notification feature to inform users about product updates, a modal view - will be enough.
Any chance to develop it this quarter?
Quicksand Horse
Could we use the changelog API to do this?
Xanthic Canidae
Would be nice if you guys have a sidebar changelog widget so we can show it on our platform. Would be a killer feature in my opinion.
Cautious Ostrich
Sarah Hum Why is this still open? Canny already offers the ability to embed the Feedback widget full page, so this should only be couple day engineering effort to allow us to embed a full page Changelog.
Sarah Hum
Hi Cautious Ostrich, we have several other things that are of higher priority at the moment. You'll be notified via this post if this gets prioritized!
Raisin Armadillo
It'd be nice to have a slide option on the left - the window takes up all the space vertically, but only part horisontally
Zaffre blue Tuna
Also popover widget does not work on dropdown menus.
Teal Sawfish
I totally agree, trying to show our changelog in our app as a separate page, not a small on-click widget
Sarah Hum
Merged in a post:
Updated Changelog
Organisational Egret
Not only allow us to have a small widget for a changelog, but a full-paged one too. So we can do https://example.example.com/changes to display full-paged changelog.
Example: https://www.intercom.com/changes/en
Sarah Hum
Hi there, we do support a full-page changelog, for example: https://feedback.canny.io/changelog. Is that what you mean?
Organisational Egret
Sarah Hum: Hey! No, I mean on our own websites. Not the feedback page.
Such as the example I linked above.
Juicy Lobster
I would love this!
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