Filter posts by company
Agreeable Cardinal
Currently, users have to create a user segment for a specific company in order to filter the post list. This creates a lot of noise in the segment list.
Create an option so that a user can quickly answer the following question: "Show me all the posts that have been created by people at [company]."
Created by Jacques Reulet
Sarah Hum
We've updated the Feedback view to include a Company filter!
Sarah Hum
in progress
Sarah Hum
Sarah Hum
Agreeable Cardinal In the admin view, if you go the users tab, you can search by company name. from there, you can see all the requests from people at that company. In order to see this, you need to be sending in company data to Canny. Is that what you're looking for?
Zinc Vicuna
Sarah Hum that would work if you are looking up just the requests of a singular person. We have CSMs who often need to provide a report to their main point of contact of all requests their team has submitted, and those teams have more than one person or have turnover. Also, the list of requests a person has submitted through the users tab isn't exportable from what I could see.