Export Board Data
Strategic Gorilla
I'd like to export e.g. a CSV of a board which contains, minimally:
* the title of the board
* the count of the votes
While I realize you _could_ make this a JSON file accessible via an API, it would be nice to be able to do quick and dirty analysis in Excel.
Eggplant Emu
You can find it under Board Settings -> Export Data!
Eggplant Emu
Andrew Rasmussen
Andrew Rasmussen
Just a little update here.
You can now export data via our JSON API, and our Zapier integration is right around the corner.
If you still need CSV for some reason, I'll happily do that for you myself, just shoot me an email at andrew@canny.io and include a link to the board.
Fern green Sawfish
Andrew Rasmussen: Awesome
Sarah Hum
Strategic Gorilla I'd love to know more about the analysis you're trying to do! Please elaborate 🙂
Strategic Gorilla
Sarah Hum: Hey Sarah! The first thing I'd like to be able to do is see a bar chart of the number of votes per post.
It's a bit easier to 'feel' the difference in demand being able to see a visualization of the number of votes vs. reading the numbers.
Strict Caribou
Sarah Hum: being able to weight votes by e.g. paying customers is something we've looked into.
Sarah Hum
Noted Strict Caribou! Ideally that's something we can do in-product via segmentation (https://feedback.canny.io/feature-requests/p/feedback-segmentation) but this would be good in the meantime.