
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Sometimes, you might want to share more specific roadmap details with stakeholders who aren't Canny admins. Think: investors, VIP customers, leadership, etc.
Now you can invite non-admins to a read-only version of any roadmap.
In the Roadmap tab, open the filters drawer. From here, you can configure a view and invite people to it. The shared roadmap will only include the columns and posts you want, based on the view settings.
Once invited, people will get an email with a link to the roadmap. Learn more about this feature in this help article.
This feature is available for teams on Canny Growth and above.
Introducing a new Canny report!
The customer requests report helps answer questions like:
  1. What is the status of requests from my accounts?
  2. What are accounts asking for that are at risk of renewing?
  3. What requests are customers with upcoming renewals asking for?
Optionally filter by other company fields like Renewal Risk, Renewal Date, and Account Owner. To see data in this report, you need to be syncing in company data via an integration or the Canny SDK/API.
This report is available for teams on Canny Growth and above.
Company fields like MRR/ARR and renewal date are used in Canny to show helpful analytics for your team.
These fields are native to Canny but cannot be set manually. They must be synced in from the Canny SDK and/or integrations. The benefit here is that Canny is always up to date with your source of truth.
Head to your company fields settings page to set up your field mapping. Once values are synced, you'll be able to leverage those fields in Canny analytics.
Note: The MRR/ARR sync from Salesforce or HubSpot is now configured on this page.



Enforce login with Okta

For teams using Okta, you now have the option to enforce logins via Okta. Simply head to your Okta integration settings to turn this toggle on:
The Okta integration is available to teams on the Canny Business plan.
This long-anticipated feature is ready for beta!
The translations beta currently covers user generated content which includes posts, comments, changelog entries, and more. When your customers navigate to your Canny portal, they will now see content in their browser language or their chosen language in user preferences. Learn more
To adjust language preferences, users can go to their profile > settings > and select a new language preference. Admins, this setting can be found in your personal preferences.
To start, the languages we're supporting include: Danish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, and Russian.
If you're interested in joining the beta, reach out to our team. Note that translations will only be available to teams on the Starter plan and above.




Select all roadmap items

We recently added support for a bunch of bulk roadmap actions including .CSV exports. Now, you can easily select all roadmap items and apply those actions.
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Bulk export in roadmap prioritization

We've added another bulk action to admin roadmap prioritization: exporting! This enables you to share roadmap prioritization with people who aren't Canny admins. You can also save exports as a snapshot in time of your roadmap.
Bulk exporting is available on all roadmaps. Enjoy!
For teams who work across multiple Canny workspaces, you can now integrate all of them with a single Okta instance.
Just head to your Okta integration settings on each of your workspaces to connect the integration.




Additional effort factors

Previously, you could only specify one value for "effort" on each post. Now, you can add additional effort factors to paint a more accurate picture of how much effort something might require.
Just like impact factors, on your roadmap view, open the scoring modal and add any new effort factors you'd like. Just like impact factors, you can specify a weight for effort factors.
Not sure what kind of effort factors to use? Consider:
  • Effort from different teams (engineering vs. design)
  • Monetary costs (database impact, having to use a 3rd party service, etc.)
  • How much ongoing maintenance it will require
  • Marketing costs
Additional effort factors are available on all roadmaps!
For teams who work across multiple Canny workspaces, you can now integrate all of them with a single Jira instance.
Just head to your Jira integration settings on each of your workspaces to connect the integration.
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